Create Waybill API is for creating a new waybill record in the LogixERP. The API will be creating a waybill record in the ERP with status as "Data Received". The API return the label print of the Waybill, Package Sticker & a unique tracking URL.
Example 1
{Example 2
{Example 3
{Parameter | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description |
Varchar1 | Optional | ||
Varchar2 | Optional | ||
Varchar3 | Optional | ||
Varchar4 | Optional | ||
Varchar5 | Optional | ||
Varchar6 | Optional | ||
Varchar7 | Optional | ||
Varchar8 | Optional | ||
Varchar9 | Optional | ||
Varchar10 | Optional | ||
Number2 | Optional | ||
Number3 | Optional | ||
Number4 | Optional | ||
Number5 | Optional | ||
Date1 | Optional | ||
Date2 | Optional | ||
HsnCode | Optional | ||
SkuNumber | Optional | ||
Description | Optional | ||
Amount | Optional | ||
COD | Double | Required | |
SecureKey | Required | It is a Unique key for accessing the API. For secure key email to support team. | |
fromOU | Optional | Source Operating Unit. Refer to the Annexure Operating Unit. | |
waybillNumber | Optional | Unique waybill number is available in ERP for customer account if it is blank, system will generate an auto waybill number. | |
deliveryDate | Optional | Estimated delivery date, if blank current date will be save as default. | |
customerCode | Required | Consignor code is same as available in ERP. Consignor code can be 00000 for unregistered consignor. | |
customerName | Optional | Customer Name | |
customerCity | Optional | Customer City should match with the code as available in the ERP. Refer to the annexure City List for the correct values if Consignor code is 00000 which is unregistered. | |
customerAddress | Optional | Customer Address is from where the shipment is getting pick. | |
customerState | Optional | Customer State code should match with the code as available in ERP. Refer to the annexure State List for the correct values if Consignor code is 00000 which is unregistered. | |
CustomerPhone | Optional | Customer's Phone Number | |
CustomerCountry | Optional | It should be two digits country code. Reference is given here. | |
CustomerPincode | Optional | Customer's area Zip Code from where the shipment will get pick. | |
ConsigneeAddress | Required | Consignee Address is where the shipment will be delivered. | |
ConsigneeCountry | Required | Consignee Country code. It should be two digits country code (IN, EG, etc.). Reference is given here. | |
ConsigneeState | Required | Consignee State code should be same as available in the ERP. Refer to the annexure State List for the correct values. | |
ConsigneeCity | Required | Consignee City code should be same as available in the ERP. Refer to the annexure City List for the correct values. | |
ConsigneeCode | Required | Consignee code should be same as available in the ERP. Consignee code can be 00000 for unregistered consignee. | |
ConsigneeName | Required | Name of the receiver | |
ConsigneePhone | Required | Consignee's Phone Number | |
StartLocation | Optional | Start location, incase pickup location is not the same as consignor city. | |
EndLocation | Optional | End location, incase delivery location is not the same as consignee city. | |
ClientCode | Required | Client Code is same as available in ERP. | |
NumberOfPackages | Required | Number of Packages | |
ActualWeight | Required | Actual Weight of the package | |
ChargedWeight | Double | Optional | It is always same or greater than Actual weight as per contract of client. |
CargoValue | Double | Optional | Shipment Invoice Amount. |
ReferenceNumber | Optional | Reference Number is alos used to track waybill. | |
InvoiceNumber | Optional | Consignor's Invoice Number | |
PaymentMode | Required | Payment Mode (FOD / TBB / To Be Billed / Cash On Delivery / Free Of Cost). To Be Billed is set as default. | |
ServiceCode | Required | Service Code should be same as available in ERP. Refer to Annexure Services List for the values. | |
ReverseLogisticActivity | Optional | Reverse logistics type (Package Pickup / Both / Cash Refund). It is mandatory to provide this value when service code type is of Reverse Logistics. | |
ReverseLogisticRefundAmount | Double | Optional | If reverse logistic activity is Both or Cash Refund then it is mandatory to give this value. |
WeightUnitType | Required | Weight Unit Type (Gram / Kilogram / Tonne / Pound/ KGS / LBS ). Kilogram is set as default. | |
Description | Optional | In this column, user mention shipment details. | |
COD | Optional | COD Amount collects at the time of pickup. | |
CODPaymentMode | Required if COD amount is there | COD Payment Mode (Cash / Cheque / Demand Draft / Account Transfer / PayMob / MPesa / Others). | |
Currency | Optional | Enter 3 digit currency code (USD, GBP, etc) as specified at | |
DutyPaidBy | Optional | Duty Paid by means that who is going to pay duty charges (sender / receiver). | |
CreateWaybillWithoutStock | Optional | If the provided waybill number in the json is from document stock or not. If the waybill number exists in the document stock then it takes false, if waybill number is given to user any random number then it takes true. | |
SendEmail | Optional | This parameter takes boolean value, i.e. True or False. If user wants to send email keep its value as True, else False. | |
SendSMS | Optional | This parameter takes boolean value, i.e. True or False. If user wants to send email keep its value as True, else False. | |
PrintWaybill | Optional | It gives the waybill print in the response when its value is set as true.When its value is set as false then it does not give the waybill print in the response. | |
PrintSticker | Optional | It gives the waybill sticker print in the response when its value is set as true. When its value is set as false then it does not give the waybill sticker print in the response. | |
PackageDetails | Optional |
Details of packages. To be provided in JSON format, e.g. "packageDetails": { "packageJsonString": [ { "barCode": "", "packageCount": 1, "length": 20.0, "width": 50.0, "height": 60.0, "weight": 10.0, "chargedWeight": 12.0, "selectedPackageTypeCode": "NON DOCUMENT" } ] } Each Array element in the package Json String will be for packages for the same dimensions. Incase you have multiple packages of the same dimension the package count will be having the count of packages.
WaybillPrintDesign | Optional | This is to select the waybill print design. Values are the print names displayed in erp. | |
StickerPrintDesign | Optional | This is to select the sticker print design. Values are the sticker print names displayed in erp. | |
skipCityStateValidation | Optional | This is not to validate the city and states in erp. | |
stockIn | Optional | Value will be true/ false. By default it will be false. If it’s true then waybill status will be At Origin | |
InsuredAmount | Optional | Insured amount if any |
Parameter | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description |
BarCode | Optional | Package barcode. If it is blank, system will auto assign a unique barcode to the package. | |
PackageCount | Required | Numeric count of the packages. If you have multiple packages of the same dimensions you could mention the package count and dimensions. System will create unique barcode for every package. | |
Length | Required | Length of the package. It is always numeric values from 0 to 99999 | |
Width | Required | Width of the package. It is always numeric values from 0 to 99999 | |
Height | Required | Height of the package. It is always numeric values from 0 to 99999 | |
Weight | Required | Weight of the package. It is always numeric values from 0 to 99999 | |
ChargedWeight | Required | Charged Weight. It is always same or greater than Actual weight as per contract of client. It is always numeric values from 0 to 99999 |
"message" : "WayBill Created Successfully",
"messageType" : "Success",
"packageStickerURL": "STICKER_DOWNLOAD_URLpdf",
"status": "Data Received",
"waybillNumber": "3110032214"
"message" : "ERROR_MESSAGE",
"messageType" : "Error"
Error Messages | Description |
Service Code not found | Service code is wrong or not given. |
Invalid Service code | Service code is wrong. |
Customer Code missing | Customer code is not given. |
Consignee Address missing | Consignee address is not given. |
Consignee Country missing | Consignee country is not given. |
Consignee State missing | Consignee state is not given. |
Consignee City missing | Consignee city is notgiven. |
Consignee Name missing | Consignee name is not given. |
Consignee Phone missing | Consignee phone is not given. |
Contract Expired | Customer contract has already expired in ERP. |
Contract Credit Limit Exceeded | Customer credit limit has exceeded which was assigned in customer contract. |
Contract Suspended | Customer contract is in suspend state. |
Waybill Creation Failed | Waybill creation failed due to an internal error. |
public class CreateWaybill {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
access_url = ""
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'AccessKey' : 'logixerp'}