Multiple Waybill Tracking


Service Unique Name MultipleWaybillTracking
Request Method GET


Multiple Waybill Tracking API is used to track multiple waybills or shipments. You could track a maximum of 10 waybills in a single request.

Request Body

These is form parameters:

  • waybillNumber : Waybill Numbers

Request Details

Parameter Data Type Required/Optional Description
SecureKey int Required It is a Unique key for accessing the API. For secure key email to support team.
waybillNumber String Required While searching multiple waybills to get information or tracking, enter waybill numbers separated by comma to access multiple waybill data at once.
ClientCode Optional If client code is given then those waybill which belongs to that client will be displayed

Response Format

"bookingOu":"HO DELHI",
"consignor":"HERO LTD",
"consignorAddress":"sEC -9",
"creationTime":"01:01:21 PM",
"currentOu":"HO DELHI",
"currentStatus":"Data Received",
"deliveryOu":"HO DELHI",
"date":"Oct 10, 2018 12:00:00 AM",
"time":"01:01:21 PM",
"actionLabel":"Data Received",
"updateBy":"HERO LTD",
"updatedOU":"HO DELHI",
"waybillStatus":"Data Received"
"bookingOu":"HO DELHI",
"consignor":"HERO LTD",
"consignorAddress":"sEC -9",
"creationTime":"01:01:21 PM",
"currentOu":"HO DELHI",
"currentStatus":"Data Received",
"deliveryOu":"HO DELHI",
"date":"Oct 10, 2018 12:00:00 AM",
"time":"01:01:21 PM",
"actionLabel":"Data Received",
"updateBy":"HERO LTD",
"updatedOU":"HO DELHI",
"waybillStatus":"Data Received"

Response Message Data Values Details

Parameter Description
actualDeliveryDate Actual date is when the waybill is delivered. Format yyyy-mm-dd
bookingDate Booking date is the current date on which waybill is created. Format yyyy-mm-dd
bookingOu Booking OU is the operating unit from which waybill is created.
bookingLocation Booking location is that incase pickup location is not the same as consignor city.
consignee Consignee is the one who receives the waybill as a receiver.
consigneeCountry Consignee Country code. It should be two digits country code. Reference is given here.
consigneeState Consignee State code should be match with the code as available in the LogixERP.
consigneeCity Consignee City should be match with the code as available in the LogixERP.
consigneeAddress Consignee Address
consignor Consignor is the one who books the waybill as a shipper.
consignorCountry Consignor Country code should be two digits country code as available in the LogixERP. Reference is given here.
consignor Consignor is the one who books the waybill as a shipper.
consignor Consignor is the one who books the waybill as a shipper.
consignorState Consignor State code should be match with the code as available in the LogixERP.
consignorCity Consignor City should be match with the code as available in the LogixERP.
consignorAddress Consignor Address
creationDate Waybill creation date. Format dd-mm-yyyy.
creationTime Waybill creation time.
currentOu Current OU where waybill is currently in.
currentStatus Current status of the waybill. Different types of waybill statuses are mentioned in Annexure A.
description Waybill Description
deliveryOu Delivery OU is that under which delivery task will perform.
deliveryLocation Delivery location is the city for delivery. City should match with the code as available in the LogixERP.
deliveryDate Estimated delivery date, if blank current date will be updated as default.
fromLocation From location is that incase pickup location is not the same as consignor city.
invoiceAmount Invoice Amount
invoiceNumber Invoice number is mentioned on the consignor's invoice.
numberOfPackages How much packages is booked under the given waybill.
packageType Type of package (Envelope|Box|Carton Box, etc) (Default = Carton Box).
paymentMode Payment Mode (Freight On Delivery|Paid|To Be Billed|Free Of Cost) (Default = To Be Billed).
referenceNumber Reference Number.
service Service Code should be same as available in LogixERP.
toLocation To location is that incase delivery location is not the same as consignee city.
waybillNumber Waybill number is unique which is available in LogixERP.
waybillTrackingDetail History data of a waybill is from waybill creation to till delivery. In the below table details discussed.

Waybill Tracking Details

Parameter Description
id Tracking ID generated by system.
date Latest date of a waybill
time Latest time of a waybill
actionLabel Action label indicate the waybill activities and few waybill Status may have same activities to reach to another status like ‘In Scan’. Action label can be Stock In, In Scan, Pickup request received and others. Action Label Details are given in the table below.
updateBy Latest update of a waybill done by the LogixERP user.
updatedOU Latest update of a waybill done by operating unit.
waybillStatus Waybill Status get change on the basis of activities performed. All the waybill status details are given in the below table.

Action Labels Values Details

Parameter Description
Data Received Data received is an action label when waybill is just created.
Pickup Request Received Pickup Request Received is that when package is picked from consignor which comes under related waybill but not yet receive in warehouse.
In Scan In Scan means that when we are in scanning the waybill and take it in warehouse.
At Origin At Origin means that when waybill is received at warehouse.
In Transit In Transit means that when waybill is moved from warehouse to destination city.
Stock In Stock In means that when waybill scan in warehouse of delivery OU. After Stock In waybill status is changed to At Warehouse.
Out For Delivery Out For Delivery means that when waybill is moved from warehouse for Delivery.
Partial Delivery Partial Delivery means that waybill contains 2 packages but only one package is delivered out of two.
Delivered Delivered means that when waybill is delivered to consignee.
Undelivered Undelivered means that when waybill is not delivered because of any reason like not at home, phone not reachable etc.
RTO Delivered RTO Delivered means that consignee refuse to accept and it is return back to consignor and delivered.

Waybill Status Values Details

Parameter Description
Data Received Data received is that when waybill is just created.
Shipment Received Shipment Received is when waybill is just created.
At Origin At Origin means Shipment is received in booking OU.
Schedule For Dispatch Schedule For Dispatch means manifest has been created but not yet send.
In Transit In Transit means shipment has been moved from booking OU.
At Warehouse At Warehouse means shipment has been received in delivery OU.
Out For Delivery Out For Delivery means that when waybill is moved from warehouse for Delivery.
Delivered Delivered means shipment has been delivered.
Undelivered Undelivered means shipment was attempted for delivered but due to any reason it did not get delivered.
RTO Delivered RTO Delivered means shipment has been delivered to the same place from where it got picked.


Error Message String

Error Messages Description
No Record Found If waybill is missing.
Invalid Waybill Number If waybill number is unrecognized.

Sample Code



public class MultipleWaybillTracking {

private static final String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0";
private static final String API_URL = "";
private static final int SECURE_KEY = SECURE KEY;
private static final String WAYBILLNUMBER = "DELHI13475" ;

private static final String ACCESS_URL = API_URL+SECURE_KEY+"&WaybillNumber="+WAYBILLNUMBER;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

URL obj = new URL(ACCESS_URL);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // success
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;

StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {


// print result
} else {
System.out.println("GET request not worked");

import requests

access_url = ""
payload = {



r = requests.get(access_url, params=payload, headers=headers)
print (r.text)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
print (err)
please wait...